Archive for February, 2011

Latest Disgrace: Now Hear This: RIBS

Friday, February 25th, 2011

This is our first interview with Atlanta press (where 3/4 of us are originally from). Moe Castro of talks with us about growing up in the South and making the move to Boston.

Formed by Atlanta transplants Keith Freund and Blake Fusilier, RIBS is fast becoming one of Boston’s most popular and acclaimed bands. The group’s 2010 debut EP, British Brains, was lauded by both fans and critics alike for its dynamic blend of hard-edged aggression and moody atmospheric rock, an expansive sonic template that has earned the band comparisons to both forward-thinking alt rockers Queens of the Stone Age and Deftones, as well as gloom merchants Joy Division and the Cure. But long before the group could take the Hub by storm, Freund and Fusilier first had to make their way out of the ATL.

Growing up in Dunwoody, in the shadow of downtown Atlanta, the two longtime friends spent most of high school writing songs together and dreaming of the day they might escape their hometown. This was the early 2000s and Dunwoody offered few opportunities for an underage rock band. As a result, most of their music never saw the light of the day and the two rarely performed live. Even going to see shows was difficult.

“If you wanted to see all ages shows,” Freund recalls, “you had to go to Norcross or Marietta, which was mostly punk or hardcore. Blake and I tried to go to as many shows downtown as we could, but we weren’t old enough to get into most of the clubs, so we had to get to know the bands and convince them to sneak us in.”

For a couple of ambitious musicians eager to strike out on their own, it was an incredibly frustrating time. The Atlanta rap scene was at the apex of it strength and power and rock music had taken a definitive backseat in the city. As the two neared the end of their senior year at Dunwoody High School, it became clear that if they were serious about their aspirations they would need to move somewhere where their style of music would be more welcome and appreciated. So rather than fight against tall odds, Freund and Fusilier decided to leave Atlanta and attend college in the much more rock friendly city of Boston.

“When we moved to Boston in ’05, it seemed like the best decision in the world,” Freund confesses. “I remember telling people that the Atlanta rock scene was pretty much non-existent.”

The duo spent the next couple of years trading demos back and forth, sharpening the minimal, bass guitar-oriented sound they had developed in high school into something much louder and darkly energetic. After gathering a solid stable of songs, they recruited guitar prodigy Justin Tolan and drummer Chris Oquist to fill out the lineup. The musical vision, at least in Freund’s mind, was simple:

“Personally, I just wanted to write rock music that would give me chills, which usually involved something dark, and going from quiet to loud in a short period of time. A lot of my favorite songs do that — “Soma” by Smashing Pumpkins, “New Noise” by Refused, “Only Shallow” by My Bloody Valentine. That’s where most of British Brains came from. We get compared to bands like Deftones, Muse, Queens of the Stone Age. I’m fine with that.”

While British Brains brought RIBS significant local success, including being named one of Boston’s best new bands by the Boston Phoenix, the group was never quite satisfied with the record’s sometimes cold and mechanical atmosphere. They wanted something warmer and more organic. Something that, in the words of Freund, would contain “shades of optimism, things that are fun, things that are more rhythmic.”

The immediate result of this new focus is Locrian Singles, a two-song effort the band is offering for free on their website. Whereas British Brains was in many ways a traditional, guitar-driven rock record, Locrian Singles is much more informed by industrial and post-punk. It’s still dark and moody, but there’s much more of a dance vibe there, a Cure-like melding of hypnotic, effects-laden pop with goth overtones. It’s a considerable dynamic shift from their previous work, but so far it has been well embraced by fans.

“The response from Boston has been tremendous,” says Freund. “We’ve made some new fans, and it has allowed us to do more with our live sets, and play with different types of artists who might not have fit on a bill with us in the past. Some of our fans outside of Boston are asking what happened to the old sound, but there will be some British Brains-type material on our next EP, plus some new musical directions no one has heard before.”

As 2011 unfolds, RIBS will continue work on their follow-up EP, Russian Blood, due out later this year. The band also has an East Coast tour planned for May, a two-week stint that will include the band’s first shows in Atlanta and Athens. Given their history, you might think that the group would want to avoid Atlanta altogether, but Freund is emphatically positive when he talks about how much the city has changed since he left six years ago.

“It’s amazing to see how vibrant the scene has become since then! I love going to shows there now. The crowds are refreshingly open-minded. The vibe is great. There’s so much good music!”

[UPDATED] Archived Link:

Boston Globe Review: Locrian Singles

Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

We promise not to say that this double A-sided single sticks to your ribs — oops, too late — because the place it really hits is that floating, synapse-trigger space where the head meets the hips. That’s what Boston’s RIBS were after, and got, with last year’s audaciously kinetic “British Brains’’ EP, which announced the arrival of a bold new musical voice whose promise extended well beyond local borders. For “Locrian Singles,’’ available now as a free download from their site, the foursome’s kept the element of surprise intact but taken a darker detour. This time out, we get gloomy yet doomily delicious dance-rock backlit by singer-guitarist Keith Freund’s expressively mercurial falsetto, plus what sounds like a new predilection for foggy synthesizers. Except that there aren’t any. Believe it or not, it’s actually layers of bass, guitars, and vocals ingeniously run through an array of distortion and delay effects that give the Cure-ish “Cosmos’’ its sense of otherworldly atmosphere and epic drift. It’s a welcome chill-out after the glammy, electro-industrial clang of “Please Don’t Go,’’ a Nine Inch Nails-meets-Muse salvo whose steely sheets of sound hammer the message home loud and clear: RIBS aren’t leaving anytime soon.

“Locrian Singles’’ can be downloaded at


Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

Stuff like this isn’t really my cup of tea anymore, but it’s hard to resist the near Manson-esque falsetto, chugging guitars, and foot-stomping beat. I actually remember when RIBS posted about their first EP on Reddit as well. That reddit thread is super interesting, just to hear singer slash head-honcho Keith Freund talk about how much time he spent agonizing over small details. A lot of work goes into recording music of any kind, but when you get into something as densely layered as this song, you have to be very careful with how you’re distributing your frequencies because it can all turn into mush very, very quickly. The fact that you can distinctly hear anything in this song is a testament to hard won production chops.


RIBS East Coast Tour 2011

Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011

We’re hitting the road in May, and there’s nothing you can do to stop us.* Here are the tentative dates and cities:

05.05 – Boston, MA – Great Scott* fb event
05.06 – Danbury, CT – Heirloom Arts Theatre* fb event
05.07 – Albany, NY – Valentine’s* fb event
05.08 – TBA – TBA fb event
05.09 – Baltimore, MD – TBA* fb event
05.10 – Richmond, VA – TBA fb event
05.11 – Greensboro, NC – Pin Ups fb event
05.12 – Asheville, NC – The LAB fb event
05.13 – Atlanta, GA – The Music Room fb event
05.14 – Athens, GA – TBA fb event

* w/ Lights Resolve

Other cool bands we’re playing with on tour: Grandfather, Gift Horse, Hammer No More The Fingers, Ghost Party, Misfortune 500, Jews & Catholics, Art Decade, Miles From Pangaea, Rat Jackson, The Future Now

Shoot us an email if you know of people who can help promote a show in one of these cities, best places to crash/get inexpensive food, etc. – [email protected]

*Does not apply to any tsunamis, earthquakes, or other natural disasters who may be reading this.